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Gifted Services Staff

Gifted Services Staff

Jane Darrow, B.S., M. Ed. (Berea-Midpark High School)

Adult Mentor on the 2012 US Youth Ambassadors Program

Cleveland Clinic eXpressions Teacher Liaison

Cleveland Clinic eXpressions Teacher Mentor (2016-17)

Project Embrace Adviser, BMHS



Misty Boscarello, B.S., M.Ed. (Gr. 3 & 4  Grindstone Elementary)

Education and Psychology with Emphasis on Gifted and Talented


Tracy Silvestro, B.S., M.Ed. with specialization in Curriculum and Instruction (Gr. 2 & 3  Grindstone Elementary)

OAGC (Chair of Teacher Division, 2010-2012; Teacher Division Representative)

Destination Imagination (Region 16 Co-Director, District Coordinator)

OAGC Teacher of the Year, 2015 


Megan Kinney, ESC Gifted Coordinator Consultant