Nutrition Services
The Berea City School District Nutrition Services Department remains committed to providing your children with nutritious and well-balanced meals to support their health and learning.
New this school year, all of our schools will use Infinite Campus Food Service. Parents may continue to deposit money into their students’ accounts at any time during the school year for a la carte items. Please make checks payable to the school cafeteria, and funds can be dropped off in the school cafeteria prior to the beginning of the school day. Funds may also be added to your student’s account using the online site. There is no charge from Infinite Campus to use this feature or to view your student’s account. Please allow at least 30 minutes for the online payment to appear in your student’s account.
How to add funds to your student(s) account in Infinite Campus
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school lunch program in general, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Nutrition Services department at 216-267-2142. We are here to assist you and provide any necessary information.
Carrie Beegle
Supervisor of Nutrition Services
Families are asked and encouraged to complete the Income Eligibility Verification Application to access additional benefits, including increased state and federal funding for staff, equipment, and supplies; discounts on fees for academic assessments; and access to local scholarships, tuition assistance for dual credit and AP courses, and discounts on college application fees. By completing the application, you help the district continue to provide valuable resources and opportunities for every student.
February 2020
Nutrition Services is revising the current district charging policy. The current policy states that elementary students are able to charge 2 lunches, while middle and high school students are able to charge 1 lunch before receiving a gratis lunch. Currently, charges for breakfast are not allowed, but will be allowed moving forward.
Students will now be allowed to charge 5 breakfasts and 5 lunches before receiving a gratis meal. The intent is to decrease the amount of gratis meals district wide and also give those parents/guardians who are having financial difficulties some lenience. The goal is to ensure students are receiving a healthy, sustainable breakfast and lunch every day. This is not meant to increase the negative balance at the end of the school year. Parents are encouraged to use MealTime to pay for meals and/or to track purchases made by their student(s).
Special Diets
Special diet requests should be directed to the Nutrition Services office at 216-267-2142.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.