Family and Medical Leave
Family and Medical Leave
The district utilizes eFMLA (a fully electronic FMLA leave management software system). To request FMLA or if you have any questions regarding the process, please reach out to the appropriate contact listed below:
Cindy Bainbridge
Elementary Schools, Snow School, Transportation Dept. & Buildings & Grounds
Jennifer Lange
High School, Middle School, Administration Building
Wage and Hour Division (WHD)
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Poster
All covered employers are required to display and keep displayed a poster prepared by the Department of Labor summarizing the major provisions of The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and telling employees how to file a complaint. The poster must be displayed in a conspicuous place where employees and applicants for employment can see it. A poster must be displayed at all locations even if there are no eligible employees.
A copy of the poster prepared by the Department (WH 1420) is available for your information or for posting in the workplace.
To print a copy please follow these instructions:
- The file is only available in PDF format. In order to view and/or print PDF documents you must have a PDF viewer (e.g., Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® v5 or later) available on your workstation.
- Click on the link for the FMLA poster ( and wait for it to load into the viewer.
For more information about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) visit: